Forecast of food farming and fertilizer use in the European Union.


Fertilizers Europe’s annual forecast gives an overview of the expected changes in arable farming, cropping patterns and fertilizer consumption in the European Union and its Member States for the coming 10 years

Fertilizer Consumption in the European Union

Nitrogen fertilizers consumption over the next 10 years is foreseen to reach 9.0 million tons applied to 122.1 million hectares of fertilized farmland. Phosphate and potash consumption will continue to remain below the levels recorded prior to the 2008 economic downturn, reaching respectively 2.4 and 2.6 million tons.

Changes in regional fertilizer use


The mineral fertilizer use consumption is characterized by significant differences across the European territory. This is mainly linked to the substantial differences in the number of animals registered in European Countries. Increased or stable consumption of nitrogen is foreseen in the majority of European member states (EU-27) as well as Norway and the UK. Significant decreases in nitrogen consumption are foreseen in Ireland (-12.7%), the Netherlands (-10.7%) and Croatia (-4.2%).

Changes in farming

food crops 2024-2034

The anticipated cropping pattern in the European Union
over the next 10 years sees a significant increase in cereal
yield (+3.9%).

Changes in fertilizer use

by crop 2024-2034

Nitrogen consumption is forecasted to increase for all major crops, except fodder crops and grassland where a consumption decrease of respectively -3.0% and -0.4% is foreseen.
Phosphate consumption is expected to increase for all major crops (with the biggest increase forecasted for oilseeds with +27.6%). *
Potash consumption is equally expected to increase for all major crops (i.e. sugar beet +24.5% and potato +21.9%). *

Mineral nutrient consumption and organic nutrient availability in 2023 in Europe

Over the last 10 years, organic nutrient consumption in Europe has remained stable.

In 2023, 8.3 million tons of organic livestock derived nitrogen was applied to European crops, compared to 8.7 million tons of nitrogen coming from mineral fertilizers applied during the season.

For phosphate, 4.5 million tons of organic derived nutrient were consumed in 2023, complementing 2.0 million tons of phosphate from mineral fertilizers applied over the season.Organic-derived potash accounted for 9.9 million tons in 2023, in addition to 2.2 million tons from mineral fertilizers.

Organic Nutrient Consumption in 2023 in the Europe

Differences in national organic nutrients availability in Europe

Organic nutrient availability varies significantly across European countries, mainly due to substantial differences in the number of livestock present on the national territories

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