From Soil to Plate: The Journey of Essential Nutrients

The vital role of nutrients


Each step we take drains our energy reserves. Our bodies rely on vital nutrients from the food we eat, and mineral nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are essential for our survival.

Soil, the foundation of life


The answer lies beneath our feet, in the soil!

Plants need a balanced diet of different mineral elements, plus carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to be healthy, which are provided by the soil.  But every harvest depletes the soil of these essential mineral nutrients.

Restoring the nutrient balance


This is where fertilizers step in, playing a pivotal role in restoring the nutrient balance. They provide the necessary nutrients for plants to grow healthy, which in turn, become a vital source of sustenance for human life.

Feeding the world sustainably

A nutrient-rich soil leads to rich harvests, which leads to nutritious meals that sustain human health. From small farms to large agricultural operations, fertilizers are helping to feed the world sustainably, improving soil, plant and human health on a global scale.

Happy Global Fertilizer Day!

A look inside

Global Fertilizer Day


Global Fertilizer Day  is celebrated globally on 13 October to commemorate one of the greatest inventions of all time , the Haber-Bosch patent on synthesis of ammonia from air in 1908 which laid the foundation of the modern fertilizers industry and thanks to their invention billions of people were saved from famine.
Since those early days, the industry has become safer, cleaner and more efficient in meeting the needs of European agriculture. Global Fertilizer Day is supported by world’s fertilizer industry associations.
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